Ace Loans Canada is here to help you with your financial problems. If you are facing a lot of financial problems and don’t know what to do then you can contact us to get a Car Collateral Loan in Calgary. We provide cash up to $80,000 regardless of what your credit score is. The loan amount will be decided after the inspection of your vehicle by checking its condition and value on the market. To start the loan process, we have experts ready to provide you with all the information to get started.
How to Apply for a Car Collateral Loan?
- Visit our website and fill out the online application form or simply call us on 1-855-997-0157.
- Submit all the required documents and have your vehicle inspected.
- Speak to one of our loan agents for all the details on our loan terms and conditions.
- Sign all the necessary documents to complete the process.
- Get your cash and be on your way.
Requirements to Apply for a Car Collateral Loan in Calgary:
- The car must be free of any liens and no older than 10 years old.
- Must have a Canadian driver’s license
- Must be of legal age
- The borrower name has to be on registered car
- Provide proof of permanent residence
Why choose Ace Loans Canada?
- Affordable car loans with lowest interest rates in the industry
- Fair terms and conditions with a transparent loan process
- Your vehicle remains with you while you pay off the loan.
- Approved for a loan even with a bad credit score.
- Fast approvals
- No job requirements
- Low monthly payments as low as $59 every month with no prepayment penalties.
- We provide flexible payment options and long loan terms of up to 7 years.
Call us at 1-855-997-0157 to get a Car Collateral Loan in Calgary today!