Are you suffering from a cash emergency or an unexpected expense in Kamloops? Are you thinking of taking out a loan and looking for the best option? There is no better choice than Ace Loans Canada! We provide the affordable car title loans Kamloops (up to $80,000), so you can deal with your cash issues conveniently. The emergencies or issues can be unplanned medical bills, vehicle repair, and a home renovation and so on. Our loan services are designed to help people to get out of their difficult times. We simply base our loans on your lien-free vehicle’s true market value and condition.
We use your vehicle title as collateral for auto title loans Kamloops. Best of all, you are free to enjoy your vehicle like normal. All you need is to provide proof of permanent residency, a clear vehicle title, and valid Canadian driver’s license for the instant approval. Your credit history and job verification are not an issue with us; you can apply for our loans even with a bad credit score. We also offer longer loan terms of up to 7 years along with low monthly payments as low as $59/month.
If you will choose a traditional bank loan for your financial inconvenience, you likely will have to wait several days or weeks for a decision on the loan. But with us, it’s very simple and easy as we have a super fast loan process without any prepayment penalties and extra application charges:
Step 1. Contact us or apply online.
Step 2. Submit the supporting paperwork.
Step 3. Keep driving your vehicle for the duration of the loan.
Step 4. Get Funded!